#AskMurph: When Is It Okay to Sell Your Home in as-Is Condition? (VIDEO)

And Devon asked, "Murph, I have a friend who is wanting to sell their home in as-is condition. However, they don't really know if it is the smartest choice. When is it smart to sell your home in as-is condition?"

Great question. I would tell you that there's no definitive way to determine if it's smart to sell your home in an as-is condition.

You would sell your home as-is to an investor. The reason is to avoid the process of listing the house, getting the house ready, dealing with real estate agents, a complicated buyer, having to wait for a long closing, not knowing if the closing is going to go through, having to deal with an inspection, and maybe even having to deal with a city inspection.

When you list and sell your house conventionally, there's a long process.

You have to prepare the house. You have to deal with the agent. You have to find an agent. You have to list the house, photography, get the house prepared.

There's a lot that goes into it.

So if you want to sell as-is, choose the investor option.

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