#AskMurph: What Is the Step-By-Step Process to New Construction? (VIDEO)

Kyle asked, "I'm thinking about building a home, give me a general idea of what the process looks like for building a home?"

Now, this is a question I get all the time because I do a lot of new construction in the South Minneapolis area and other areas around the 7-County Metro area. I've been doing it for a long time.

The first thing that you need to think about when you're going to build a home is going to be how are you going to finance it? Now the builder can carry the financing on the construction loan or you can do it, there's a lot of different options. But the first thing you have to think about is how am I going to finance the build of this home?

The second thing you need to think about is what to build? What's my dream home? If you're building new construction or buying new construction you're doing it because you want what you want. That's the beauty of new construction. You get exactly what you want and you get to design it to your liking. The number three thing is pricing the house.

Once we know what you want to build we're going to get an architect. They are going to put it on paper and then we have to get it to the builder. The builder needs to price it because we need to know what it costs.

Next, I'm going to take this down to the city and we're gonna see if the city is going to allow us to do it. So the builder has to go and get permits. Now, this part of the process takes patience. You will push, push, push, and push to get the house, and then we are pushed, pushed, pushed to the price of the house and now it's turn it in and wait for the city. This can take 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or up to 120 days. It depends where you're building and depends on the city, but you have to have patience because the permitting process is at the mercy of the city and they do not move fast.

Once you get the permit back then the next step is, "Let's start digging!" We have to set the foundation. And then once we have the foundation, we do the framing. And once we have the framing, we then do the guts of the house which is the electrical and the plumbing. Then after we have the electrical and plumbing inspection, we will then do the sheetrocking. And once we have the sheetrocking we'll lay the floors and then we'll lay the cabinets and then we'll do all the painting. Then the house is built.

This process takes, for a luxury home, can take over a year. And for a builder-grade home like a LNR or a national builder it can take a solid four months and sometimes five.

If you have questions about the new construction process, let me know. And if you're serious about building your dream home, just fill out the form below and I'll be in touch to give you some options.