#AskMurph: The Secret To Seeing a History Of Insurance Claims On a House (click for VIDEO)

Kathryn asked, "Is there a way to get the history of insurance claims on a house?" 

That's a great question. Especially if you're trying to do more due diligence on a home that you're going to make an offer on. 

And the answer is yes. 

Here's the secret. Ask the seller, and you can only ask the seller, for a CLUE report.  A CLUE Report stands for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. It's a report that you can get only from the seller, because the seller has to ask their insurance company to provide the CLUE report, and as long as the insurance company has access to these reports, the report will only list if there was a claim and the amount of the claim. It will not list a particular item. 

So if it was a roof with hail damage, it won't tell you that it was a roof that had hail damage. 

If it was a dishwasher that leaked, it won't tell you that it was a dishwasher that leaked. It will just tell you that there was a claim and here was the amount of money. 

So if you want details about each claim, you would have to ask the seller for those details. 

But it is a really good thing to do, to get a little bit more information, a little bit more background on the property. 

I wonder if there's a CLUE Report for the property you're considering? And if there is, I wonder if there's anything on it?

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