#AskMurph: Should I Save Or Invest My Money? (VIDEO)

I was always told I should save my money because if I saved my money, then I'll have money for a rainy day or I'll have money if something goes wrong or I'll have security. 

And I would tell you, in my opinion, you should always be investing that money in real cash-flowing assets like real estate. 

And that's what I told myself when I was young. And so 17 years ago, I realized that we have to earn cash, those dollar bills, but once we have them, you haven't won yet because you now have to get your money working for you. 

You shouldn't work hard for your money. Your money should work hard for you. 

And so that's where investing Fiat money, the dollar bill in real assets, like a rental property or a piece of commercial real estate means winning the game and you are creating real true wealth. 

So the question, should I save or invest my money? You should always invest your money, but invest it wisely and invest it in cash-flowing assets.

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